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【会员专访】我对中国发展的看法-专访SCOLAR Network的Sanaa Ganbat女士

2023-07-02 13:53:31 来源:中关村人才协会 分享到:



Sanaa Ganbat


With the deepening of China"s reform and opening up, the demand for all kinds of talents has increased, including foreign talents. The Chinese government has also introduced some relevant policies to attract foreign talents to study, work and start businesses in China. Based on this background, Zhongguancun Talent Association, as an NGO focused on the field of talent, aims to build a platform for foreigners to share and communicate with each other so that they can express their ideas and opinions on living, studying, employment and entrepreneurship in China. Meanwhile, it can provide more references for related industries, enterprises, and even relevant government departments to create a more livable environment for foreign friends. To that end, an interview series was created. The series of interviews is entitled: My views of China development.随着中国改革开放的不断深入,对各类人才的需求不断增加,其中也包括外籍人才。中国政府也出台了一些相关政策,吸引外国人才来中国学习、工作、创业。基于这样的背景,中关村人才协会作为一个专注于人才领域的NGO,旨在为外国人搭建一个相互分享、交流的平台,让他们能够表达自己在中国生活、学习、就业、创业的想法和意见。同时,可以为相关行业、企业,甚至相关政府部门提供更多的参考,为外国朋友创造一个更宜居的环境。为此,专门打造了采访系列。访谈系列的题目是::我对中国发展的看法。We are pleased to invite Ms. Sanaa, she is from Ulaanbaatar, capital city of Mongolia. She spent nine years in Beijing and earned bachelor and master degree here and joined SCOLAR Network after graduation. Sanaa loves meeting new people, trying new things and making friends.She participated over 30 language related competitions and won first place in most of them.She enjoys singing,dancing,creating,fixing things and DIY projects in her free time.Traveling is a passion of her, she loves learning different cultures,tasting new food, and capturing beautiful moments to share the world,spread positivity and love.我们很高兴邀请到萨娜女士,她来自蒙古首都乌兰巴托。她在北京生活了9年,在这里获得了学士和硕士学位,毕业后加入了上合国家青年平台(SCOLAR Network)。萨那喜欢结识新朋友,尝试新事物和交朋友。她参加了30多个与语言相关的比赛,并在大多数比赛中获得了第一名。她喜欢唱歌、跳舞、创作、修理东西和自己动手做项目。旅行是她的爱好,她喜欢学习不同的文化,品尝新的食物,捕捉美丽的时刻,分享世界,传播积极和爱。

When did you come to China? Why did you choose your current job or field on entrepreneurship? What appeals you in Beijing?你什么时候来中国的?你为什么选择现在的工作或领域来创业?北京有什么吸引你的?

I have been in Beijing since 2011. I enjoy creativity, have a passion for media. Content creation allows individuals to express their ideas, connect with audiences, and potentially monetize their work. So that, lately I work in Social Media, content creation field.Beijing, as the capital city of China, offers various opportunities and advantages for professionals in different fields. Have networking opportunities, cultural and historical significance and vibrant social scene. Beijing offers a vibrant social scene with a wide range of entertainment, dining, and nightlife options. The city has a mix of traditional Chinese culture and modern influences, making it a dynamic and exciting place to live.我自2011年以来一直在北京。我喜欢创意,热爱媒体。内容创作允许个人表达自己的想法,与观众联系,并有可能使他们的工作货币化。所以,最近我在社交媒体,内容创作领域工作。北京作为中国的首都,为不同领域的专业人士提供了各种机会和优势。有社交机会,有文化和历史意义,有活跃的社交场景。北京提供了一个充满活力的社交场景与广泛的娱乐,餐饮,和夜生活的选择。这座城市融合了中国传统文化和现代影响,使其成为一个充满活力和令人兴奋的居住地。

China has seen improving international entrepreneurs in recent years. How do you feel about starting a business in Beijing? What are difficulties in different periods?近年来,中国出现了越来越多的国际企业家。你对在北京创业有何感想?不同时期的困难是什么?

Having lived in Beijing for 9 years and being fluent in Chinese, I find it advantageous as there are no language or cultural barriers. Starting a business in Beijing presents both opportunities and challenges. The city offers access to a large consumer market and opportunities for business growth. However, the presence of numerous businesses and startups in Beijing means fierce competition in various industries. Navigating the complex legal and regulatory landscape, especially as international entrepreneurs, can be challenging. Understanding and complying with local laws, licensing requirements, and business registration procedures can be difficult.我在北京生活了9年,中文说得很流利,没有语言和文化障碍,这是我的优势。在北京创业既有机遇,也有挑战。这个城市提供了一个巨大的消费市场和商业增长的机会。然而,北京众多企业和初创企业的存在意味着各行各业的竞争激烈。驾驭复杂的法律和监管环境,尤其是作为国际企业家,可能具有挑战性。理解并遵守当地法律、许可要求和商业注册程序可能很困难。

How do you view tech and digital economy progress in China in recent years? Are there opportunities and boons for you?您如何看待近年来中国科技和数字经济的发展?你有机会和福利吗?

Being a content creator, I"ve witnessed remarkable progress in China"s AI, e-commerce, fintech, and mobile technology sectors, driving the growth of the digital economy. The dynamic e-commerce market provides opportunities to engage with Chinese consumers. China"s own social media platforms like WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin enable me to reach a vast audience. However, as a foreign content creator, the restrictions on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn in China require additional effort to establish and expand my presence in the Chinese market.作为一名内容创作者,我见证了中国在人工智能、电子商务、金融科技和移动技术领域取得的巨大进步,推动了数字经济的增长。充满活力的电子商务市场提供了与中国消费者接触的机会。中国自己的社交媒体平台,如微信、微博和抖音,使我能够接触到大量的受众。然而,作为一名外国内容创作者,中国对Facebook、Instagram、抖音和领英等平台的限制需要我付出额外的努力来建立和扩大我在中国市场的影响力。

How do you think of opportunities in the Chinese market? How have the market and Chinese consumers changed in recent years?你如何看待中国市场的机会?近年来,市场和中国消费者发生了怎样的变化?

As a content creator, I believe the Chinese market holds great opportunities. With a large population and growing middle class, consumers have more purchasing power. The rise of online shopping and mobile payments has changed how people shop. Chinese consumers now prioritize quality, authenticity, and trusted brands, even if they come at a higher price. This shift creates avenues for content creators to collaborate with brands that align with these preferences and cater to the changing market trends.作为一个内容创作者,我相信中国市场蕴藏着巨大的机遇。人口众多,中产阶级不断壮大,消费者的购买力更强。网上购物和移动支付的兴起改变了人们的购物方式。中国消费者现在优先考虑质量、真实性和值得信赖的品牌,即使它们的价格更高。这种转变为内容创作者与符合这些偏好并迎合不断变化的市场趋势的品牌合作创造了途径。

SCOLAR Network

SCOLAR Network上合国家青年平台是一个汇集了各上海合作组织成员国青年领袖的平台,它的目标是使各国青年互动,促进环球对话,并且扩展上合组织地区内的区域性联系。SCOLAR Network成立于2017年,总部位于北京,致力于通过教育、创业、文化和体育项目,凝聚上合组织地区的青年领袖,促进上合国家的文化融合和经济发展。SCOLAR 计划在2050年积极影响10亿青年的生活。

“世界的中关村,人才的地球村”。中关村作为我国创新发展的一面旗帜和全国第一个人才特区,中关村人才协会一直致力于促进高技术人才生态建设为己任。 “会员是协会的会员,协会是会员的协会”。充分发挥社会组织桥梁、枢纽和平台的功能,在中关村新一轮先行先试改革——加快建成世界领先科技园进程中,共建共享“中关村智慧、中关村方案”,共谋共建全国各地高技术人才生态,我们携手共进









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